Write a Review to Help Other Travelers
Your opinion matters! Writing about your experience can help other travelers to choose their next vacation rental or home exchange listing and can help you to choose property when you travel next time!
Steps to take:
- Find the appropriate listing in which you stayed.
- At the listing page, click on the link to Write Review located at the top of the page.
- Write about your experience.
- Submit the review. You are done!
Things to remember:
- You may NOT write a review of your own property. If you do that, the review will be deleted.
- You can post a review ONLY if you stayed at the property.
- A copy of your review will be emailed to the owner of the property.
- The owner of the property will be asked to verify that the review was posted by the traveler who stayed at his/her place.
- The owner can not delete the review but he/she can post a response to it. He/She can also dispute the review if it is not written according to terms and conditions of the reviews.