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Home Exchange  >  Canada  >  Canada - Ontario

Home Exchange Description and Attractions:
Listing ID: 1304614981089
Category: Home Exchange
Type: House
Country: Canada
Region: Canada - Ontario
City: Belleville
Nearest Metropolitan Area:
Toronto 180 km,Kingston 70km
Nearest Major Airport:
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Located next to Moira River in city of Belleville. Two minutes from restaurants,shopping,theater,antique shops and surrounded by golf courses. A short scenic drive from Prince Edward Count and its 28 wineries,art studios and galleries, restaurants, provincial park and famous beaches.
Train station ten minutes away. Easy daily commutes to Toronto,Ottawa and Montreal.
An easy short drive to historic Kingston.
Beautifully decorated house with fully equipped kitchen and laundry room. Rec room has ping pong ,fooze ball, workout equipment,TV and fireplace. Big flat screen TV upstairs. Hot tub on deck outside. Baby grand piano in living room.
Language of communication: english
Max. Number of Guests: 8 Bedrooms: 4 Bathrooms: 4.0

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More Home Exchange Info:
Destination wanted:
France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Greece
Additional information:
We'd prefer to host and be hosted but are willing to swap with the right people. We've never done this before.
About Home Exchange Owners :
We're a semi retired couple looking to travel more. Enjoy entertaining, traveling, golf, biking, walking, cooking, dining and good wines. Also have a vacation home in Florida.
Home Exchange Features:
  • Air conditioning
  • Cable TV
  • Deck
  • Dishwasher
  • Dryer
  • Dvd
  • Fireplace
  • High speed internet
  • Microwave
  • Patio
  • Radio
  • Refrigerator
  • Satellite TV
  • Sauna/Jacuzzi
  • Telephone
  • Television
  • VCR
  • Washer
  • Biking
  • Boating
  • Bowling
  • Cinemas
  • Close to bus/train
  • Fishing
  • Galleries/Museums
  • Golf
  • Hiking
  • Kayaking
  • Other Attractions
  • Tennis
  • Wildlife Viewing
Other Conditions:
  • Children welcome
  • Gay/Lesbian friendly
  • No Pets
  • No Smoking
  • Non-Simultaneous Exchange OK

Page Views
5 this month
58 this year
1423 since listed

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Home Exchange  >  Canada  >  Canada - Ontario

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