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Home Exchange  >  Canada  >  Canada - British Columbia

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Max. Number of Guests : 6
Bedrooms : 3
Bathrooms : 4.0
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ID: 1281035599911
Destination wanted: Mexico for Xmas 2010 and month of Janurary 2011
Max. Number of Guests : 2
Bedrooms : 1
Bathrooms : 2.0
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ID: 1240169701492
Destination wanted: New York City; London, Paris; Buenos Aires
Max. Number of Guests : 6
Bedrooms : 4
Bathrooms : 2.5
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ID: 1279425703450
Destination wanted: England, preferably as near to London as possible. We would like to travel in the late winter/early spring of 2011.
Max. Number of Guests : 2
Bedrooms : 1
Bathrooms : 1.0
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ID: 1240505941132
Destination wanted: Southern United States, Hawaii, or Mexico
Max. Number of Guests : 4
Bedrooms : 2
Bathrooms : 1.0
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ID: 1218327074967
Destination wanted: Open to all offers
Max. Number of Guests : 2
Bathrooms : 1.0
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ID: 1218147443644
Destination wanted: Sydney, Oct 2008 - Oct 2009
Max. Number of Guests : 6
Bedrooms : 3
Bathrooms : 2.5
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ID: 1218076480182
Destination wanted: JUne - Sept: Okanagan, lakefront cabin in BC
Dec - March: Mexico, Costa Rica, Australia, Hawaii or will consider any tropical or European destination
Max. Number of Guests : 10
Bedrooms : 3
Bathrooms : 4.0
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ID: 1218055275185
Destination wanted: Kona, Hawaii
Max. Number of Guests : 6
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ID: 1216796672299
Destination wanted: Australia (Sydney, Central Coast anything near) October to February 2009
Max. Number of Guests : 6
Bedrooms : 4
Bathrooms : 1.5
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ID: 1216330320787
Destination wanted: France
Max. Number of Guests : 6
Bedrooms : 3
Bathrooms : 3.0
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Average Price: 800.00 USD / weekly
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ID: 1199390464989
Destination wanted: Italy, South America
Max. Number of Guests : 5
Bedrooms : 3
Bathrooms : 3.0
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ID: 1199385266665
Destination wanted: Spain,Turkey, Morrocco, Latin America
Max. Number of Guests : 2
Bedrooms : 1
Bathrooms : 1.0
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ID: 1216337249248
Destination wanted: anywhere
Max. Number of Guests : 5
Bedrooms : 3
Bathrooms : 2.0
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ID: 1238745093192
Destination wanted: Winter/Spring - Souther US, Hawaii, Mexico, Caribbean
Summer/Fall - any where as warm as we are during these peak seasons
Max. Number of Guests : 2
Bedrooms : 1
Bathrooms : 1.0
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ID: 1216231052007
Destination wanted: Prefer Europe, Hawaii, Montreal, East Coast of US and Canada, near the water.

Will consider all offers.
Max. Number of Guests : 2
Bedrooms : 2
Bathrooms : 1.0
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ID: 1215998617040
Destination wanted: San Francisco
Max. Number of Guests : 6
Bedrooms : 4
Bathrooms : 1.5
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ID: 1238183183131
Destination wanted: England - York, Leeds, London, Coast.

Germany - Munchen

Looking to exchange around mid June for approx one month...
Max. Number of Guests : 5
Bedrooms : 2
Bathrooms : 1.0
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ID: 1215570580820
Destination wanted: Victoria BC
Max. Number of Guests : 6
Bedrooms : 3
Bathrooms : 2.0
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ID: 1272672648559
Destination wanted: Europe, all
Max. Number of Guests : 7
Bedrooms : 4
Bathrooms : 2.0
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ID: 1212617052978
Destination wanted:

Total number of records: 761

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Hi there from sunny Brunswick Heads, Australia

Have had a successful change to Alaska in '09 through your site and have another arranged for Nova Scotia later this year. Plus I am hosting someone from Reunion Island in April - all through your free site. Excellent!

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