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Max. Number of Guests : 2
Bedrooms : 2
Bathrooms : 2.0
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Average Price: 46.00 USD / daily
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ID: 1198422706375
Max. Number of Guests : 2
Bedrooms : 1
Bathrooms : 1.0
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Average Price: 125.00 USD / daily
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ID: 1199047058785
Max. Number of Guests : 3
Bedrooms : 2
Bathrooms : 2.0
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Average Price: 30.00 USD / daily
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ID: 1198013044798
Max. Number of Guests : 4
Bedrooms : 2
Bathrooms : 1.0
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Average Price: 550.00 CAN$ / monthly
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ID: 1245218048331
Max. Number of Guests : 12
Bedrooms : 4
Bathrooms : 4.0
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Average Price: 30.00 - 50.00 USD / daily
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ID: 1217338405051
Max. Number of Guests : 18
Bedrooms : 8
Bathrooms : 6.0
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ID: 1216900586934
Max. Number of Guests : 2
Bedrooms : 1
Bathrooms : 1.0
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Average Price: 70.00 USD / daily
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ID: 1216387473374
Max. Number of Guests : 8
Bedrooms : 3
Bathrooms : 3.0
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ID: 1247827336474
Max. Number of Guests : 6
Bedrooms : 3
Bathrooms : 3.0
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Average Price: 25.00 USD / daily
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ID: 1196003062426
Max. Number of Guests : 4
Bedrooms : 4
Bathrooms : 3.5
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Average Price: 300.00 - 450.00 USD / monthly
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ID: 1246771622363
Max. Number of Guests : 4
Bedrooms : 3
Bathrooms : 2.0
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Average Price: 28.00 USD / daily
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ID: 1202533199282
Max. Number of Guests : 4
Bedrooms : 3
Bathrooms : 2.0
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Average Price: 28.00 USD / daily
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ID: 1196195730078
Max. Number of Guests : 3
Bedrooms : 2
Bathrooms : 1.0
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Average Price: 750.00 CAN$ / monthly
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ID: 1215215625892
Max. Number of Guests : 4
Bedrooms : 2
Bathrooms : 2.0
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Average Price: 60.00 - 70.00 € / daily
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ID: 1195402867179
Max. Number of Guests : 5
Bedrooms : 4
Bathrooms : 2.0
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Average Price: 750.00 CAN$ / monthly
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ID: 1107132415458
Max. Number of Guests : 3
Bedrooms : 3
Bathrooms : 3.0
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Average Price: 22.00 - 26.67 CAN$ / daily
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ID: 1187590839158
Max. Number of Guests : 1
Bedrooms : 1
Bathrooms : 1.0
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Average Price: 705.00 USD / monthly
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ID: 1337155560383
Max. Number of Guests : 1
Bedrooms : 1
Bathrooms : 1.0
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Average Price: 449.00 USD / monthly
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ID: 1337154956389
Max. Number of Guests : 1
Bedrooms : 1
Bathrooms : 1.0
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Average Price: 641.00 USD / monthly
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ID: 1337153683443
Max. Number of Guests : 2
Bedrooms : 1
Bathrooms : 1.0
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Average Price: 705.00 USD / monthly
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ID: 1337152709535

Total number of records: 672

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Hi there from sunny Brunswick Heads, Australia

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