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Home Exchange  >  Mexico  >  Mexico - Nayarit

Home Exchange Description and Attractions:
Listing ID: 1223415956807
Category: Home Exchange
Type: Beach House
Country: Mexico
Region: Mexico - Nayarit
City: Sayulita
Nearest Metropolitan Area:
Puerto Vallarta
Nearest Major Airport:
Puerto Vallarta
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3 bedroom, one level, beautiful beachside casa in the quaint town of Sayulita, Nayarit, Mexico. 40 minutes north of Puerto Vallarta. 2 pools, one outside the french doors and a 1 minute stroll down the path to the beach. View on Sayulita life website. Casa Rosalera
Language of communication: english and spanish
Max. Number of Guests: 6 Bedrooms: 3 Bathrooms: 2.0

We are looking for a straight out trade situation

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More Home Exchange Info:
Destination wanted:
Additional information:
We have bookings for Jan, Feb and March '09, but have the rest of the year open including Nov and Dec. '08
About Home Exchange Owners :
We are a couple with two grown children who wish to travel together to Spain next summer
Home Exchange Features:
  • Air conditioning
  • Dryer
  • Garden
  • High speed internet
  • Microwave
  • Patio
  • Radio
  • Refrigerator
  • Swimming pool
  • Washer
  • Close to bus/train
  • Fishing
  • Golf
  • Hiking
  • Horseback riding
  • Kayaking
  • Snorkeling/Diving
  • Surfing
  • Wildlife Viewing
Other Conditions:
  • Children welcome
  • Experienced home exchanger
  • Gay/Lesbian friendly
  • Non-Simultaneous Exchange OK
  • This is a Second Home

Page Views
8 this month
95 this year
1922 since listed

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Home Exchange  >  Mexico  >  Mexico - Nayarit

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