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B&B  >  Spain  >  Spain - Castilla-La Mancha

B&B Description and Attractions:
Listing ID: 1160203729790
Category: B&B
Type: Bed & Breakfast
Country: Spain
Region: Spain - Castilla-La Mancha
City: Almorox
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Quietness, nature, culture, lovely dining and wining, taken care of, far away from mass tourism, getting to know the spanish way of life.

These are just a few of the highlights we can offer you. In the very heart of Spain, at the foot of the Sierra de Gredos mountains and just 3 km from the village of Almorox (on the N403 Avila to Toledo) the finca ´La Vida es Bella´ is situated.

The finca, surrounded by 2,5 ha of vineyards and olive and almond groves, invites you to relax, read a book in a hammock, refresh yourself in a spring water pool, and take some tapas or have a drink on one of the terraces.
There is a daily three course gourmet menu with fresh organic products from the herb and vegetable garden. Your host will find you a shady place under an olive tree and once the Spanish heat is gone, the fireplace will be awaiting you in the dining room.
All double rooms are furnished in oriental style and have their own terrace.

There are countless opportunities for recreational activities in the surrounding areas of “La Vida es Bella” such as horse riding, mountain biking, watersports of all kinds in one of the nearby lakes, flying around in one of the sport planes from Almorox, hiking, playing tennis, rock climbing, bird watching, etc.
There is a marvellous hiking route just outside the finca with a splendid variety of mediterranean flora and fauna. The Spanish imperial eagle, the hoopoe, bee-eater, the golden oriole or the roller are just a few of the species that can often be observed within the limits of the finca , attracting birdwatchers from all over the world.
Prices start from 50.- Euro

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B&B  >  Spain  >  Spain - Castilla-La Mancha

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