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B&B  >  Spain  >  Spain - Andalucia

B&B Description and Attractions:
Listing ID: 1173740331569
Category: B&B
Type: Bed & Breakfast
Country: Spain
Region: Spain - Andalucia
City: Algodonales
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We are situated on the edge of the village of Algodonales, which lies about one and a half hours drive inland from Malaga and nestles beneath the most popular paragliding and hang gliding site in the area, the 3,300ft Sierra de Lejar. It is central to the other sites in the region and is a traditional rural market town with a population of about 3,000.

Entering Algodonales you will be struck by the quaint narrow streets and tree lined square. There are an adequate number of bars and restaurants and even a couple of discos for the young at heart. It is so cheap to eat out that no one cooks unless its for fun.

The Plaza

The town forms a romantic picture in the evening as the red light of the setting sun reflects a pink glow over the twinkling streetlights and white buildings.

The Region
Andalucia is famous for its pretty white-painted villages that gleam brilliantly in the intense sunlight and attract tourists from all over Europe. For those looking for culture and shops, 30mins drive south is Ronda, famous for its spectacular bridge over a 600ft gorge, which splits the town in two. There is clearly a great deal of historical interest here, with Old World Moorish atmosphere, good restaurants and a particularly attractive Sherry Cellar!

One hour away is Seville, an ancient citadel that has evolved into a trendy, modern city without losing its fine buildings and grandiose atmosphere.

For those seeking more adventurous activities, the nearby Grazalema National Park has peaks up 5500ft and Alpine like terrain popular with walkers and birdwatchers.

The Main House
B&B is offered in various rooms ranging from en-suite double with Jacuzzi bath to twin room with shared bathroom Breakfast and evening meals, packed lunches can be arranged to suit.

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B&B  >  Spain  >  Spain - Andalucia

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