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B&B  >  France  >  France - Auvergne

B&B Description and Attractions:
Listing ID: 1143326185072
Category: B&B
Type: Bed & Breakfast
Country: France
Region: France - Auvergne
City: Gannay sur Loire
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The bed & breakfast rooms are located in the former ‘etable’ cowshed, (recently renovated) there are five large rooms on the first floor and all are equipped with a shower, toilet and wash hand basin. The rooms are suitable for 2, 3 or 4 persons, and a child’s bed, (cot) and an extra bed can be placed in a room if required. The rooms have been named after the rivers in the area, enabling guests to choose which room they would like. (please list below)

On the ground floor there is a breakfast room and living room. We know that having the right breakfast is a very important start to the day, whether guests would just like to relax or pursue more active interests, breakfast is catered for both. A child’s seat, (high chair) is available if required.

The living room can be used for relaxing, or reading a book, and of course guests can sit outside on the terrace in the sun, or in the shade under a large old Lime tree. Children can always play in the sand pit or on the swings. When the weather becomes too hot, guests can have a refreshing drink by the swimming pool or even in the swimming pool, or perhaps on the terrace that overlooks the pool. In the evening guests are welcome to join their hosts for dinner, always freshly prepared with vegetables and herbs from the kitchen garden.

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B&B  >  France  >  France - Auvergne

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